Let’s Eat Out Builds Teams and Plunges Down

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Blazin’ Bill was a huge hit amongst the athletes of Special Olympics Arkansas who also came out to the Polar Plunge fundraiser.

The staff of Let’s Eat Out, Inc.’s Buffalo Wild Wings® in Mountain Home, Arkansas, participated in the chilling annual fundraiser, Polar Plunge, Feb. 28. Polar Plunge is the largest fundraising effort benefiting Special Olympics in which individuals and teams dive into various bodies of cold water across the United States to raise funds and awareness for the program.

BWW’s involvement with the program organically grew into a team-building exercise after Let’s Eat Out’s regional manager, Carter May, drove by an advertisement for the fundraiser and presented the idea to his team. This event also served as a means for the Mountain Home staff to enjoy time with May shortly before his last day at the Mountain Home location. The team of 12, including a team member’s son, ranged from the BWW Guest Experience Captain, cooks, bar managers and even one former manager – a true testament to the genuine loyalty of this B-Dubs® team.

The Arkansas Polar Plunge took place at Norfolk Lake in Mountain Home with a welcoming 40-degree temperature. Blazin’ Bill was even in attendance to cheer on the team and provide smiles and hugs to the many Special Olympics athletes also participating in the event. As a team, B-Dubs raised $800 for Special Olympics Arkansas, and the total for the day raised from all teams was just over $12,000!

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The Buffalo Wild Wings team before their icy plunge to benefit Special Olympics Arkansas!

“Most come together for Best Costume or Largest Group, but as far as fun goes, our Mountain Home Buffalo Wild Wings team was the clear winner! It was such a great opportunity for team development, as well as a great time for the Special Olympics athletes who came to show their support. It was truly an amazing day that won’t be forgotten anytime soon,” continued May.

“It was also bittersweet as it was the last event that I would get to do with my team from Mountain Home, as I accepted a transfer to another state. A big thank you to our owner, Jim Bruno, for supporting us. He started the donation and the team added on top of his original contribution. He let us get together as a team and let us take out the Blazin’ Bill suit – he is our major sponsor.”